Encode & Decode Tools
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All Encode & Decode Tools
Dummy, Reverse String, All Uppercase, All Lowercase, Capitalized, Alternating Case up-low, Alternating Case low-up, Base64 Encode, Base64 Decode, json Encode, Json Decode, Unserialize String, Serialize Array, Ascii to Binary, Binary to Ascii, Decimal to Ascii, Ascii to Decimal, Ascii to Hex, Hex to Ascii, Strip All Space, Compact All Space, Password Hash, Password Verify, Root 13, Root 47, Rot Any 0...25, MD5 Hash, SHA1 Hash, Hash All, Shuffle Text by Words, Shuffle Text by Sentence, Shuffle Text by Paragraph, Shuffle Text by Chars, Split Text by Words, Split Text by Chars, Generate Wordpress Hash Password, Verify Wordpress Password, Parse INI String, Parse INI String+Process Sections, Url Encode, Url Decode, Parse Url, Path Info, Parses String 2 Variables, URL Source Code, Scrape Links from HTML, Used Chars, Frequency of Characters, Frequency in List, Frequency of Unique Chars, Random String Generator, Random Numbers Generator, Randomoze List, Sort List, Sort List, Reverse, Unique List, Remove Duplicate, Statistic Array List, Format List ul,li, Format List br, Choose the winner, Generate Random Password, Generate Complex Password, Generate UUID (GUID) v4, Lorem Ipsum Generator, MAC Vendor Lookup, php Tidy Beautifier, Javascript Compact Code, Javascript Obfuscate Code, Compress To Base64, DeCompress from Base64, Encrypt Text/String, Decrypt Text/String, Prime Factors, Decagonal Number Test,
Number of Encode and Decode functions: 74